It’s been a long year, but the time you have been waiting for is finally here! There are so many fun things that you have planned for the season. You’re able to take a few more days off work, friends and family will be around, and you may even have a beach vacation planned. With so many exciting activities at stake, this certainly isn’t the time to neglect your smile. Here are some summer oral health tips from a prosthodontist in San Diego to keep your teeth in excellent shape!
Maintain Excellent Dental Hygiene
It is so important that you maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine. Be sure that you are brushing twice and flossing once every single day. Another great step to add to your to do list is rinsing with a mouthwash. Schedule regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist every six months to ensure that everything is in excellent shape.
Go Easy on Sugar
If you are like most people, summer is the time where it is super easy to indulge in too much sugar. It is always super tempting to reach for a cola, lemonade, or frozen cocktail. Popsicles and ice cream are both great for cooling down, but they aren’t good news for your teeth. Save these sweet treats for occasions. If you are constantly sipping and snacking on them, you could end up with tooth decay.
Drink Water
To stay hydrated, make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If you have a choice, fluoridated tap water is typically best. Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in rocks and leeches into groundwater. This mineral helps to protect your teeth from decay. Fluoride is especially helpful for younger children whose permanent teeth are still developing.
Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools
Your teeth are intended to help you chew your food, keep your saliva in your mouth, and smile. They aren’t made for opening packages, crunching down on ice, or biting your fingernails. You could end up with a chipped or cracked tooth.
Use a Mouthguard
Spending time outside and exercising is super important for your health, but contact spots can put your smile at risk. By wearing a mouthguard, you can reduce your risk of experiencing a dental injury, like a broken or knocked-out tooth!
Don’t forget about your smile this summer. When you follow the tips listed above, you can enjoy making beautiful memories without having to worry about your oral health!